Is it possible to paint contaminated rough acoustic plaster or an absorbing ceiling without changing the
effect, namely the absorptivity?
Download PDF information: faq-a1-coating-or-paintin-of-absorbing-surfaces-.pdf
How shall a facade-joint be executed to ensure that the sound insulation of the entire wall is not
deteriorating? What needs to be observed, when selecting and applying a façade-joint?
Download PDF information: faq-a2-execution-of-a-facade-junction-.pdf
How does an external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) determine or change the
transmission loss of an external wall? Which solutions do exist and what needs to be paid attention to?
Download PDF information: faq-a3-external-thermal-insulation-composite-system.pdf
How does an internally mounted thermal insulation composite system determine or change the
transmission loss of an external wall and of internal walls or ceilings?
Download PDF information: faq-a4-thermal-insulation-composite-system-internally.pdf
How can I perform a sliding ceiling junction without decisively weakening the transmission loss of the
partition wall? Which mounting errors can be made?
Download PDF information: faq-a5-sliding-ceiling-junction.pdf
How effective is a screen to protect people in higher buildings
Download PDF information: faq_6.pdf
Is it important to have absorbent material in a screen?
Download PDF information: faq_7.pdf
How effective is a screen in a semi-reverberant surrounding?
Download PDF information: faq_a8_sound_pressure_reduction.pdf
What are the international standards and guidelines to determine the noise insulation system of pipes?
And what is approximately the sound reduction which can be achieved?
Download PDF information: faq_14.a.pdf
Is thermal pipe insulation also acoustic pipe insulation?
Download PDF information: faq_14.b.pdf
Can distance and support rings to support the cladding be used for acoustic pipe insulation?
Download PDF information: faq_14.c.pdf